When you purchase a prepaid card, you might expect to get the card number and CVV immediately. Instead, you may receive a URL along with a code or PIN. This process ensures your payment details are secure and accessible only by you.
How to Redeem Your Prepaid Card
1. Find the URL and Code: Check your receipt or email for the URL and unique code or PIN.
2. Visit the URL: Enter the URL into your browser on a secure connection. Avoid using VPNs or location manipulation services, as these might result in your access being blocked.
3. Enter Your Code/PIN: Follow the instructions to retrieve your card number, expiration date, and CVV.
For detailed guidance, refer to the Redeem Instructions provided with your purchase.
Q: Why don’t I get the card details directly?
A: This added step protects your card information from unauthorized access.
Q: What if the URL doesn’t work?
A: Double-check the URL, ensure you’re not using a VPN, and contact the card issuer if the issue persists.
Q: What if my code doesn’t work or I can’t gain access?
A: Our team will help you out in that case.