If you’re unable to see the support widget on our website, it may be due to the following reasons:
Adblockers or Privacy Extensions:
Certain adblockers or browser privacy extensions can block the Intercom support widget.
Solution: Try disabling your adblocker or adding our website to your adblocker's whitelist.
JavaScript Disabled:
Our support widget relies on JavaScript to function properly. If JavaScript is disabled in your browser, the widget won’t appear.
Solution: Enable JavaScript in your browser settings.
Browser Compatibility:
Some outdated browsers may not fully support the widget.
Solution: Ensure you’re using an updated version of your browser.
Network Restrictions:
Certain networks (e.g., corporate or public Wi-Fi) may block the widget.
Solution: Try accessing the site from a different network or device.
Alternative Contact Option:
If the widget is still missing after trying these steps, you can contact our support team directly at [email protected]. Please provide as much detail as possible about your issue, and our team will assist you promptly.